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Akhetaten's Gates CoverMidnight Selkie StickerCeltic Knot SealUndertaker Sticker
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Avatar sejak: 2008-05-16
Age: 42
Amerika Serikat - TX
Terakhir masuk:

"Die 12 Verbotenen Tone"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Zorn - Die 12 Verbotenen Tone

I go under the pen names Ravyn Karasu and Ezven Freyr. I write mostly Fantasy and Grey Fiction, but I do dabble in other genres. I prefer Dark Fantasy most, as it's the most fun to write.

I mostly come onto IMVU for company, but I do have some items in the store...mostly stickers of my book covers and such. So, if you see me online, feel free to give me a chit chat.

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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RemJesterZ tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.

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The Order of the Fractured Souls.

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Ferrai Legacy

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The Royal Council of the Blood Orchid

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Baroness Krombach^L^ Mjau Bundle[SF] NekoFish BundleAmerican Badger Furset FAzure Wolf Furset (F)
xmx. Golden EagleBebra Bundle MBebra Bundle F!A_(R)idingBundle~Mystic Albino Tufts
+Alice Returns+Bundle[T] Peacock TailAvazard Bundle*DK Hells Tiger Bundle FSange'quine Bundle
~Tsu Moonscales Bundlespacerspacerspacerspacer
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Video ku

To see the videos that I have made, you are more than welcome to visit my site. But, I will post a few of my personal favorites here anyway.

Yes, I have two youtube accounts as well as a Veoh account. If you like these, chest out my Veoh account [link provided above], and check out some of my other AMV's that I've made.


And here are a few favorites from YouTube. I did not create or own any of these. I just happen to love them.


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kharma Hadiah 11
generosity kedermawanan 27

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